
Electric vehicle training

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You carry out electrical or non-electrical intervention work, in the vicinity of batteries or vehicle equipment with electric or hybrid engines. A specific authorization is mandatory.

Electric vehicle training

Be authorized to carry out electrical or non-electrical work and interventions in the vicinity of batteries or equipment of vehicles with electric or hybrid engines. Condition: have completed basic electrical training. Target qualification levels: B0 (V) L, B1 (V) L, B1 (V) L, B1 (V) L, BRL, BCL, B1ML, BEL Essai, B1XL, B2XL

At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:

  • Define the scope of authorized tasks and environments.
  • Implement the NF C18-550 standard when carrying out electrical operations on vehicles or machines with an embedded electrical energy source.
  • Implement the NF C18-550 standard during interventions or tests on vehicles or machines with an on-board electrical energy source >180 Ah or U>60Vdc/25Vac.
  • Adopt appropriate conduct in the event of an electrical accident or fire.
  • Perform electrical work on vehicles/machines safely.
  • Ensure its ability to adapt these requirements to the areas and situations specific to its establishment.

More information on this training hither.