
Coverage of the remuneration of employees of companies with less than 10 employees by OPCas

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OPCA: coverage of the remuneration of employees of companies with less than 10 employees to encourage companies to give their employees access to continuing vocational training activities.

Coverage of the remuneration of employees of companies with less than 10 employees by OPCas

ACFITEC reminds you that articles L.6321-1 and L.6312-1 1° of the Labor Code mention that the employer must ensure the adaptation of employees to their workstation. He must ensure that they maintain their ability to hold a job by offering and providing access to training to develop their skills. Not providing employees with any training during their career constitutes a breach of the duty to adapt to the workplace but also of the obligation to ensure the maintenance of employability taking into account “the evolution of jobs, technologies and organizations” (art. L.6321-1 labor code).

To facilitate access to training for employees of companies with less than 10 employees, the Macron law of August 6, 2015 and its article L.6332-6 aims to allow OPCAs to take charge of the remuneration of employees of companies with less than 10 employees. Refer to the decree No. 2016-189 of 24-02-16 To know the terms and conditions of application.