We speak of an operation to refer to an “activity carried out either directly on structures or installations, or in an electrical environment. It can be of two types: electrical or non-electrical” (NFC 18 510, 3.4.2).
We speak of an electrical operation to refer to “an operation which, for a structure or an installation in electrical operation, concerns the active parts, their insulators, the continuity of the masses and other conducting parts of the equipment (magnetic circuits, etc.) as well as the protective conductors” (NFC 18 510, 3.4.3) It may be of the type of work, intervention, or specific operation.
We speak of work to refer to an operation that consists in building, modifying or maintaining an electrical structure or installation.
“an intervention is a simple electrical operation in the field of low voltage or very low voltage, of short duration, carried out on electrical equipment or on a small part of an installation or even on the annexes of energy transport or distribution structures” (NFC18 510, 10.1)
We speak of a non-electrical operation to refer to an “operation that does not meet the definition of an electrical operation, such as: - that related to the construction, construction, dismantling or maintenance in the neighborhood or on an electrical structure or installation, such as construction work, cleaning, weeding, etc... - that linked to an operation that does not directly concern an electrical structure or installation, such as construction work or an electrical installation, such as construction work, cleaning, weeding, etc.... - that linked to an operation that does not directly concern an electrical structure or installation., but carried out in the environment of this work or installation, such as construction, delivery activities, moving activities, etc.” (NFC18 510, 3.4.9)
We speak of installation or structure to refer to “a set of electrical equipment used for the production, conversion, distribution or use of electrical energy. The term “structure” is exclusively reserved for public electricity transmission and distribution networks and their annexes. The term “installation” applies to any electrical installation, except structures” (NFC18 510, 3.2.1)
We speak of electrical equipment to refer to “equipment used for the production, transformation, distribution or use of electrical energy, such as a machine, transformer, electrical equipment, measuring device, protective device, protective device, electrical pipe, equipment for use” (NFC18 510, 3.2.2)
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